A collection of crime stories set entirely in Germany, "Unter de Erde" is a reimagining of my previously published crime stories, taken from their original settings and reworked by Francesca Giamboni. For B1 German language learners, this collection seeks to increase your vocabulary in the most natural and entertaining way possible; the reading of stories.
For those seeking to improve their German, these adaptations of thirteen of Dominic’s previously published stories are the perfect way of building your vocabulary through entertaining narratives.
In thirteen differing locations around Germany, these crime stories hope to mystery and intrigue their readers. From people being buried alive and people musing over the perfect murder, to terrifying encounters with criminals on the open road and ingenious ways of getting rid of unwanted criminal elements in a down-and-out neighbourhood.
Dark, mysterious, occasionally funny, these crime stories all promise a nasty little twist to keep their readers guessing until the end.